Can I use anti-blemish creams during pregnancy?

During pregnancy we all ask ourselves millions of questions such as if “this will affect the baby”, if “I can eat certain foods”, “what sport I can practice” or if “I can continue taking care of myself with my usual cosmetics”.

Well, I wish it were in my power to answer all these questions, but the ones I am going to answer for you are about your cosmetics for blemishes: can I use them or not?

What ingredients should I avoid?

Which are the best during pregnancy?...

Take note.

Can I use anti-blemish creams during pregnancy?

Can I use anti-blemish creams during pregnancy?

And, surely you have heard that some ingredients used in anti-stain cosmetics are not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding, or are not suitable for use at this stage.

Sure you are worried about your stains, but above all that is the safety of your baby. So I'm going to give you good news: taking care of spots and pregnancy are not incompatible at all , in fact I highly recommend that you do not stop taking care of yourself and even more so during this period.


As you know, during pregnancy a great hormonal alteration occurs, which often has some consequences on the skin such as:

- Hyperpigmentation or appearance of cloth spots, melasma or chloasma.

- Periods of dry skin or increased sebum (excess shine)

- The appearance of pimples or acne around the mouth and chin

Without a doubt, it is the worst time to put aside your facial cosmetics.

If during pregnancy you protect your skin with active ingredients that stop the accumulation of melanin, you can prevent spots by up to 95%.

And if it has already appeared, it is best to start taking care of them as soon as possible, so your success in clearing them can reach up to 80%. Remember that the more time you let pass, if the stain is already on the skin for a long time, it becomes increasingly difficult to remove. Even so, by taking proper care of it, it can progressively clarify

up to 70%.

To take care of yourself safely during these months, it is enough to know which ingredients are most beneficial for taking care of your skin and blemishes during pregnancy and which ingredients are not suitable or should be avoided. Take note that here it goes:



It is one of the greatest natural antioxidants. Our body produces it naturally and participates in the elimination of toxins and protects cells from oxidation. During pregnancy our natural glutathione can be decreased, so using cosmetics that provide us with glutathione will be of great help to keep our skin in the best condition . In addition, it is a natural bleach that neutralizes pollution and free radicals in the skin that cause hyperpigmentation.

Azelaic acid

Even if you have heard of some acids that are not suitable during pregnancy, don't worry, azelaic acid is totally harmless and safe during pregnancy as it improves hormonal acne and oily skin. It is obtained from wheat and barley extracts and has high dermatological tolerance even in the most sensitive skin.

phytic acid

This ingredient is extracted from corn, rice and soybeans. Its function is to protect the skin against the enzymes that cause spots and thus prevent melanin from accumulating thanks to its microexfoliation.

Lactic acid

It is extracted from some legumes and its benefits range from helping to unify tone to improving skin texture (roughness, roughness). It provides moisture to the skin by regulating the internal layers, preventing excess melanin and improving small wrinkles, which never hurts us ;)


During pregnancy the skin is more sensitive to the sun and other factors. Niacinamide has the ability to stop damage caused by UVA/UVB rays. As it regulates sebum, we reduce the magnifying glass effect produced by excess oil in the skin and makes the skin stain more easily with the sun's rays. This way it prevents and improves skin dyschromia , which is great for us. In addition, it has no contraindications in pregnancy, being a 100% safe ingredient.


Chemical retinol acid (or Vitamin A derivatives)

This is one of the most used in anti-stain and anti-aging cosmetics and that may be why you have come to think that you cannot use this type of cream during pregnancy. Since chemical retinoids are absorbed through the skin and reach the bloodstream, their use is not suitable during pregnancy, as it can cause malformations in the fetus. But there are other options such as Bakuchiol or Vegan Retinol that are completely safe during pregnancy.

Salicylic acid

It can potentially cross the placenta and cause a toxic syndrome in the fetus, so it is completely ruled out in our facial routine.

Glycolic Acid

It is the best known among the Alphahydroxy acids in cosmetics for the care of stains due to its great absorption power, reaching the deepest layers. However, it is inadvisable during pregnancy and breastfeeding since it can reach the placenta and affect the development of the fetus.

Creams with caffeine

Both the consumption of coffee and the use of cosmetics with coffee caffeine are discouraged during pregnancy as it can cause a blockage in the flow of blood to the fetus and slow down its proper growth.

Creams with coffee caffeine are widely used in cosmetics to smooth the skin or around the eyes due to their anti-inflammatory capacity. But it is also true that they accelerate cellular aging , so we must look for safe alternatives during pregnancy and that do not have negative effects on the skin.

Well, now you know which are the main ingredients to avoid and which are the most beneficial and safe during pregnancy. You can now start taking care of your spots without fear and knowing that you are doing the right thing for your skin and your baby.

As always, I'm going to give you my best advice to take care of yourself naturally and 100% cruelty-free: Velvet Skin Whitener .

This is one of Natvral Lavde's most innovative creams for intensive spot care and facial rejuvenation. Its formula contains Niacinamide, Azelaic Acid, Phytic and Lactic Acid, Glutathione, in addition to being rich in Probiotic Actives. All of them, ingredients with high dermatological tolerance and 100% safe during pregnancy.

Velvet Skin Whitener is a very special anti-blemish cream, since it can be used at any time of the day, and even in summer, as it does not contain photosensitizing ingredients.

It has multiple functionalities, among which stand out:

  • Protection against damage caused by UVA/UVB rays in this time of increased skin sensitivity.
  • Achieve uniformity in skin tone and lighten blemishes. Cloth stains or melasma are removed up to 80%. And... much better if you catch them from the moment they appear!
  • Improves the texture and moisture of the skin at each stage of pregnancy, regulating oil and/or dryness.
  • Corrects signs of acne and softens the epidermal surface.

And that's not all, its light texture with a velvety touch will provide your skin with the hydration and anti-blemish protection it needs at every stage of your pregnancy.

Take care of your spots with complete peace of mind and knowing that you are always using the best cosmetics for your skin. Now you know how to do it.

If you liked the article, don't forget to leave me your opinion in comments or in RRSS. And if you want to stay up to date with all the tips, subscribe to the Natvral Lavde Newsletter and don't miss anything. Good day!


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